Saturday 21 February 2015

Developing Thinking is more important than Economy

Well as we know India and China are the world's two most developing countries in asia at the moment. So when we say developing do we only mean the economy or the people as a whole, learning new things and being open to different views and thinking and not just only dollars against rupee as a way of developing. We need to be the new India, we are the new face and we need to work on it not just to raise the economy but to raise our standard of living and level of thinking, otherwise all this developments will be of no avail. Life is hard when you belong from a very poor family in India, you need to work your ass off to earn a minimum something for food, forget about clothing and medical check ups, many who doesn't get to eat twice a day. as you can imagine how difficult it is for them to make a living. Whatever CM  Kejriwal included in the 70 action plan will be really usefull for growth and development if put into practise. I remember some of those which included making 70,000+ public toilet, more than 10,000 CCTV's, providing an inspector in bus and metro, cutting down electricity bills, free wifi all over Delhi, however there has been some allegations that the wifi one was just an utter crap, he really can't do that, or atleast not in all parts of Delhi. He promised to make Delhi the first corruption free state. Now that might take a while. However if all this can be done this indeed will be a better place. All we need to do as citizens is try not to create unnecessary havoc or get into fights with people around us silly issues, we need to stop crooking people and most importantly we need to have an open mind to different culture and way of living. What's bad for you can be good for me or what's good for me can be bad for you but that's not the point, we need to understand what matters is letting the people do what he thinks will be best for himself. This doesn't mean not stopping someone from taking drugs but can simply mean not to object a girl on the streets if you think her dress maybe inappropriate. It's not inappropriate to her, if it's bothering you that's your problem, if you're sexually aroused that's your problem not hers, she didn't dress to seduce you, sometimes I think prostitution should be legalised so that there are prostitutes of different rates for everyone to afford one and thereby more sex in life this can solve the problems with rape we face in our country so much. In the same way there are cultural differences and almost all cultures would go against the idea of legalising it. Why? Because people may fear that there children may start approaching one at a very young age say 14 or 15, young enough for an intercourse. One problem solved equals to another one made. Well I can't think of any alternative ways like I mentioned we should differ in our thinking ways then only we'll have a different economy. To be honest prostitution and gambling will actually stimulate the economy, it'll attract more tourists, we'll have more options for entertainment. There should be a welfare show for people teaching them how behaviour has an impact on not only the person you're talking to but also on yourself. Instead of barking if we just choose to speak and react in a polite way we'll see improvements on our lives. People from around the world will judge us in a new way, but the purpose is for common benefit for the people and country obviously. It's all on us how we are going to be tomorrow as we're the ones that will be the stars and leaders of tomorrow, so in a place like India education is as important as knowing about our rights and limits, how our behaviour can affect us and how we can improve as individuals. When you develop your thinking you come up with bright ideas which if put to practise, the ones that makes sense, can help transform India and is more important than only developing economy by means of economy growth, GDP and dollars against rupees.

Sunday 15 February 2015

Let Your Mind Do The Talking

This is a generation of selfies and hashtags, where a picture is no longer clicked for memories but to get maximum likes on Facebook and Instagram, where a child doesn't think how to expand his knowledge for the purpose of educational advancements but for recognition in social media like facebook, we're all spoiled brats waiting to splurge our father's hard earned money for all the wrong reasons, spending on girlfriend, all sorts of addiciton, demanding useless things to be purchased, just because you know he can afford it doesn't mean he has to. People belonging from the rich section of the society has a different lifestyle altogether compared to any middle class obviousy, but subjected to pressure, a middle class will cope up much easier and deal with it without complaining whereas the rich who had a altogether different upbringing and lavish lifestyle will have a hard time adjusting. The fact I'm making clear is that if you have a tough childhood your adulthood will seem easier, the problems you face won't really feel like problems you'll have more strength and courage to deal with it with ease, you'll know when to stop spending and how to save. However saving too much sometimes can be boring you need to spend to do the things you love, you need to spend on yourself equally as you spent on others say wife. When life is low try to focus on what you have instead of complaining what you don't, because when you concentrate on the things you have you find happiness, but when you complain you make things harder for yourself and frustration gets the better of you. When you want something really bad but can't have it because the circumstances and situation doesn't favour you, try to look on the brighter side of life say you like this girl who is way out of your league and the kind of person you're is no where near to what she wants in a guy, don't focus on this instead focus on your job how you can get promoted or keep yourself busy and active. When we have a lot of spare time we tend to think of the things we don't have and how we can have it. Well like I described your looks doesn't matter what matters is how you carry yourself but when trying to win over a girl who wants to roam with her boyfriend in fancy cars, will go night clubs every now and then, and someone who can pick her up and drop her home everytime she wants to, then you know this girl is a real waste of time, she is a receiver not a giver, she has no way to charm others than her looks and is constantly looking to be attracted by preety boys, it's better not to fall for this kind of women with looks because you can't attract a person by your looks for the rest of your life, that's gay and really unproductive and cheap in every manner. She wants her prince charming to look good at all times like the ones in fairy tales, but sorry miss beauty with no brain, this is not how the world works. Sometimes outer beauty, no matter how abundant, cannot mask the ugliness you try to hide inside. So never declare a girl beautiful on the basis of looks, what matters is what lies underneath is what defines the person. If you believe you had a poor upbringing, a wasted childhood do not feel bad because of it as it's not your fault but if you continue to believe in that pattern of living then definetely that's your fault. Your life has to keep going up like a rocket. You cannot let poor aerospace engineers design your rocket because you need assurance that you'll reach your given destination. Same way you need to surround yourself with positive minds, people that make you feel good and the ones who tell you what you can do and not what can't be done by you. The problem with our generation is that too many people knows what can't be done by them not what can be. It's all because of being the victim of poor parenting and having gloomy and fatalistic friends, surrounding oneself around pessimisitc people because of all this the end result is low self-esteem and confidence. Insecurity and hesitation gets the better of us. The kind of friends we have, the TV channels we watch, the jokes we laugh at, how we dress, how we react, how we face problems, how we accept responsibily for our mistakes, defines who we are. It's really important how our subconscious mind works which is trained over the years of our daily life, being positive doesn't only mean thinking positive but automatically appearing positive by optimistic thoughts, subconscious mind plays a huge role in it as you can't control your subconscious mind, that's why it's important that you be good for a long period of time. The man you choose to be during your early adulthood is the man you be for the rest of your life. Its very important you start acting smart from an early age say 20's. And by smart I mean actually taking life seriously and not letting go by the ups and downs. We should learn how to move on faster not how not to get hurt because that's impossible, you have to get hurt. So bottomline is by having great personality you become great individual. To some extent personality is genetic, and this may be hard to believe but it's true. Some percentage of our personality is genetic. If you believe in evolution then you must have an implicit belief that genes influence who we are. For example if your grandfather smokes as well as your father then there is a chance of you smoking as well. If that can be genetic so can be personality. If evolution has taught mankind anything, it is that survival means passing on the fittest of our genes to the next generation. That's why in school we often hear from our teachers that you represent your parents, the way you behave speaks a lot about your parents too. However that is not totally correct, friends and surronding enviornment is responsible for your behaviour. Parents matters obviously since they do the teaching part at home. Never let someone else make you feel less, what actually matters is being smart and thoughtful, so when you're having your trip taken, instead of losing your head, try to respond it with a sarcasm, if not either walk away or just laugh at his level of thinking and say "I don't blame you", trust me that'll help. But sometimes people try to bring others down for reasons associated with jealousy, self recognition and poor self-esteem. That's his problem not yours, remember there is a thing called karma. Every dog has it's day, so relax, breath and let them do whatever the fuck they are doing. When they try to bring you down you just know you live a better lifestyle than them. So it's all in the state of your mind, its not really the problem that matters as much as your attitude towards the problem. You're the captain of your own mind, master of your own soul. 

Friday 13 February 2015

Personality Over Looks

 One of the worst feeling one can possibly have is thinking of himself ugly. Your looks doesn't matter as much as your personality does, it's all in the state of mind and how you carry yourself. Presenting oneself with the right choice of words can pull off more easily than trying to win over by your looks, because once you're already a couple and been one for a decade, it's your personality and the way you carry yourself is what matters, all those interesting things you do for your other half, will charm your other half more than anything. you can't win over her by your looks then, because after a certain stage of your relationship you don't care about appearence that much as you would care about ones way with words, thoughts and the confidence he places. Because at that time that's all it matters, then again after another decade you wouldn't need "intercourse" either. Yes, that's right, after somewhere 45-50 years of age, the urge to have sex dies, it's no more something fun, it's like just another thing which you got bored of doing again and again....
 And this not only applies in love but also in reality with everyone, obviously your looks doesn't make you stand out in life, what does is your knowledge and your achievements. So what's important in life is being thoughtful, generous and practical. If someone ever snubs you off or disgraces you and make you feel like less, don't ever buy it. The only limitation that the human mind has is the one that it creates itself, it's own boundary created by no one but itself. When your dealing with a prominent person, when talking to him, give him all the respect he deserves stay calm and relax at all times, no matter what the discussion is about. The calmer you appear the more confident you look, admit to you flaws but never even for one minute make him feel so superior that you're actually very thankful for his presence and meeting him has been one of the best things in your life, NO never do that, it kills the expectations of your so called prominent individual, what that person expects out of you. Now when I say prominent person I don't mean any politician or celebrity but someone like your boss or teacher, Never be afraid to speak your mind, as long as you have good thoughts and talk about the obvious, you have a good perception. When your talking to someone superior to you never get nervous. You have to appear as confident as you can and think that the other person should get nervous of you, you can't allow yourself to look nervous and tensed, because when you show that, you reveal that you're weak and openly invite the other person to dominate. Keep your head and chin up, look in the eyes and speak with confidence, have power in your voice and appear gentle.   

One bad apple does not spoil the whole bunch

It's never really a good idea to blame a community or religion for the offences of a certain group towards the society. We always blame the muslims for the offences of IS or other terrorism activities happening around the world. I get it people who indulge in terrorism are mostly muslims but good muslims still do exist. I'm not even a muslim but I don't like people who blame a nation or the religion as a whole for the mishaps of those IS extremists or terrorist. If you want to make a difference then go fight for justice, don't just sit at home and raise concern over the state by blaming them(extremist) for their acts. It's not gonna stop them from doing, further they will retaliate our comments in the form of attacks, killing more innocent citizens. I had low rate of tolerance for the Islamic religion but this one day a lady on social network site asked me where I was from, I told her I'm an Indian and her first reaction was, "Oh you're from India, your country is in very bad condition, that girl on the bus!" I was embarassed, thinking for the perfect response but then I realised something, I get it there are numerous rapes been reported every week, but it is the act of peddlars and cab drivers, frustrated low earning people belonging to lower class society, who has no sort of entertainment in their life, and not to mention no Intercourse, are the reasons why this takes place in the first place and has nothing to do with the civilized Indians, you cannot look at us and accuse for the rapes just the same way we can't blame an entire nation for the killings and calling themseves Muslim. I would like to support JK Rowling's statement in retalaition to Rupert Murdoch's tweet, all muslims must be held responsible even the peaceful ones until they recognize and destroy their growing Jihadist cancer, referring to the Charlie Hebdo shooting. While Al-Qaeda and other Jihadist groups call themselves muslim, not all muslims belong to Al-Qaeda. Yet, people like Rupert Murdoch go off and blame the entire region. Well a lot of people having similar views, needs to stop blaming the community and instead should try to help fight this war against Islamic State. This extremist are very clever as whatever they do they do in the name of "Allah" It is not the responsibility of the practitioners of Islam to rid the world of Islamic extremists, but they should fight for it, just like we all should in some form or the other. Fighting doesn't only mean pointing guns and missiles towards the extremist but it also means raising concern and educating the people about their wareabouts and how we can avoid going to those places of Islamic practises, how we can donate for those innocent people who gets killed and injured. Now that America has decided on sending its troops to fight against the Islamic State for three years we can hope all this will end one day and there will be peace again in Iraq and Syria and all over the world and hopefully people will stop blaming religion for the act of one group promoting terrorism in the name of Allah.

Thursday 12 February 2015

Do you believe in Aliens?

I don't have any particular topic to write so I just happen to write about anything I feel good, anything I believe to be true or something I feel people should know. So I decided on picking this one as this is something I really believe in and also have done a few research on it, watched interviews and seen videos of UFO caught in camera and my gosh they do exist. It's not photoshop I can tell you, its real. Why is it so hard to believe that there some thousands of galaxies outside our very own galaxy "Milky Way" and this extra terrestrial beings, so called aliens do exist. They come to our planet to suit their own purpose say to extract mineral or for human blood. Over the past 50 years people mainly in western countries have been talking about it, scientists and researchers mainly, but this matter is so confidential that the government has chosen not to disclose it under any circumstances just to prevent mass panic among us. There is no guarantee how we will react to it, we may freak the hell out or even be amazed, so its a preety big risk on behalf of the government to bring such a matter to light. But you should not choose not to believe it, you should always do your own research because nobody knows enough, we tend to guess more often of the obvious. If you don't believe in UFO's then its probably because you haven't seen any videos of their sightings or astronauts like Buzz Aldrin of the apollo 11, talking about it. We choose to believe in the conspiracy that NASA's moon landings were faked but rule out on the possibility that UFO exists. Do you ever question yourself if NASA moon landings were not fake then why did they never go back again? There lies the answer, it could be because of Alien activities on moon or maybe they were warned not to come back, we never know! These aliens who are said to be super advanced from human beings come from outer space. They are smaller in size than us, they communnicate via telepathy with each other. I myself have never seen an ufo in my life but doesn't mean they don't exist. Internet also has a lot of fake stuff but one can tell if a video is really fake or not. Some may seem fake but there are enough videos on the internet to convince you they're for real. There are a lot of truth around, find out for yourself. The best part is once you start researching about them you get to know more and more stuff which you earlier believed to be false but surprisingly they are true. After finishing your research I can guarantee you you'll not have the same perception about them as you did before. 

Wednesday 11 February 2015


The end of the world is near and it is us who is responsible for it. Look around whats happening everywhere specially in western countries, so much of killing, anger, rage and rebels against the government had really destroyed the inner peace of humanity. There are so much of mishaps everywhere from the unknown fate of MH370, The Peshwar Attack, Rapes in India, The Charlie Hebdo shooting, The Boko Haram abductions to the rise of Islamic State in Iraq and Syria, The Ukrainian Revolution, and all the bombings taking place around the world on a daily basis. Why so much of tension that we cannot breath fresh air and live in peace, what went wrong that we have to see people suffer so much and we're in such a position that we cannot even extend help from so far away. Everything is all messed up at the moment and its very unlikely that the remorse will end soon given how the crime rates have increasingly gone up. This is what happens when people seeks power and misuses it to suit their own purposes. It is upto us if our generation can make a difference to stop all the ill practises happening all over the world so that we can create a world of peace, a world where there is a better tomorrow, a world where there is hope and a world free of terrorism activities. Stand up for what's right and under any circumstances don't ever let anyone convince you to go against the government as it doesn't help but creates unnecessary chaos. The end of the world is near if it continues to be like this, so many tragic events have already occured and we fear what's gonna happen next.