Sunday 8 June 2014

Don't give up, things does get better.

We have ups and down in our lives. We fall only to rise up again. Sometimes hurt, sometimes broke but eventually with time we learn to deal with it and move on. I'm just 20 years old and in my 20 years of experience I learnt life is really a contradictory place. People mostly fail not because they are not talented enough or not capable of doing it but simply because they have instilled the very idea of what can't be done by them. They only knows what they can't do and not what they can. They don't have a proper plan to implement it. According to some studies it revealed that great winners in life have won because they refused to give up when circumstances seemed helpless. The trick of winning is failing again and again and on and on untill you succeed. We shouldn't be heartbroken by the obstacles we face on the road way to success. It's just like a traffic slowing you down but eventually you will reach the destination unless you stop moving by these traffic along the ways.

Life is a ten speed bicycle, most of us have gears we never use. Everyone has talents in them but mostly these talents go unnoticed throughout their life span. How will you know your talent unless you start trying out new things. Our talent hides within us, we have to identify them and apply in our lives so as to make the best use of it. We should start doing new things, believe in new things and take responsibility for our actions then only we can expect change and improvement in our lives. The world indeed is a very mean and nasty place where you go for a job interview and you see some attractive girls trying for the same post, chances are they will get selected first. You go to file a complaint and bribe the man in charge he will put your case on top, these things happen everyday in our society and everyone is so busy with their lives that these things goes unnoticed which in turn leads to corruption. No matter what country you're born if the political leaders and the people in it are not nice you can't expect fairness and justice. Our enviornment is what makes us. We get back what we give. You reap only what you sow. Great things take time. Don't give up no matter how hopeless things may become because when you'll look back  to these tough times you had gone through once you survived because you refused to give up, it'll give you strength. What seemed tough 5 years earlier isn't the same anymore. Wake up, stop reacting start responding.

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