Sunday 23 October 2016

What is Terrorism

What is terrorism? It is nothing but the threatened use of violence to intimidate a population or government for political, religious or ideological goal. It is politically loaded and emotionally charged. Whether we're talking about Militants, Jihadist, Extremist, Radical, Naxalist, Maoist or simply Terrorist, the very names of these cowardly beings sends chill up spine, we shiver for a moment every time some thing about them comes up. The world over the years have faced a lot of difficulties related to terrorism, especially from the last 2 decades. It all started with the mass killings of Vendee in France back in 1793, it was known as the reign of terror. I bet you didn't known that. Neither did I until now. But that's not important. What we're dealing with here is potentially a global war that requires constant diligency in order to suppress. We're talking about terrorism. Wiping out terrorist in not easy as it is difficult to identify them. They are among us hiding, in disguise of innocent ready to kill in the name of ALLAH when called for. These cowardly people have no place in the society.They are easily brain washed and persuaded by Jihadists to launch attack on innocents without even stopping to think if it's for a good cause. All they know is that they are sacrificing their soul for Allah and he is going to heaven where he will get to have intercourse with some 72 VIRGIN Angels, as said in the Qur'an. The first time I came to know about this Even before attacking terrorist from information and spy sources, a lot of  things needs to be considered like, if we attack will they remain quiet for a long time or will they launch another attack on civilians in retaliation to our attacks by the anti-terrorism unit. Like we can take the example of Peshawar incident which happened right after Pakistani units launched a raid on talibans. The Talibans in retaliation to the raids upon them, infiltrated a school which left some 150 dead, mostly children of the army public school. Its difficult to anticipate what they will do right after making a decision take them down, because you have something even bigger coming your way compared to the past attacks. Terrorism in India poses a significant threat to the people of India, we're always under attack as it seems our neighboring country Pakistan is just JEALOUS of our economy and success over the years especially when it comes to diplomatic relations with some of the world powers. Pakistan sponsored terrorism needs to stop. At any time in Pakistan border there are some 10 - 15 terrorists waiting to sneak in our border. We're always under pressure and we're always paranoid on occasional days, but thanks to the Police and special investigation team without whom life would have been difficult for us as we can still go to work with a sense of relief and be back home every night to our family. But life can be unfair, to live a life of fear while being alive is like being dead inside. We can not give in to fear of being blown up. Then I gotta tell you they have won already. We can't let them instill fear in our mind, fear of death. In order to combat terrorism we need to come up with new ideas, we the new generation gotta find news ways to tackle it.  We need more employment scope in the defence unit so that we can promise more youngsters to engage. We're a growing power and we're always under threat.  Tehreek-e-Taliban, Lashkar-e-Jhangvi,  Lashkar-e-Omar, Lashkae-e-Taiba these are all Pakistani based terrorist organization. Pakistan had long been accused by neighboring India, and western nations like the United States,  and the United Kingdom of its involvement in terrorist activities in India and Afghanistan. Pakistan used to see them as potential army assets which can be used against India to weaken our army and economy. But it wasn't long until the matter came to light. The Pakistan Intelligence unit (ISI) is believed to be aiding these organizations eradicating perceived enemies to those opposed to their cause which includes most members of the NATO. Inspite of so much of pressure and disgraceness they still continue operating these terror camps.Both the federal and state governments in India continue to accuse Pakistan of helping banned terrorist organizations, including the Indian organisations unhappy with their own Government, like the ULFA in Assam.